Recent Work

Android Audiobook Application

I created this fully functional Audiobook Application in Android Studio.
It implemented a splash screen and the Media Player android class to play different audio files.

Android TicTacToe Game Application

I created the classic TicTacToe game in Android Studio! I faced some difficulty writing the
logic for the game but it was a fun little project and I was very happy with how it turned out.

Android Calculator Application

I created a basic Calculator app in Android Studio.
This was a very simple and fun project where I used the Rhino Script Engine to handle
all the logic and mathematics.

John Conway's Game of Life

I designed and implemented the Game of Life in Java for a Course Project.
This was a very difficult project for me and took me the better part of 3 days to complete.
However, the final result was extremely satisfying. The simulation running in this video starts
with a window of size 80, 300 cycles, and a Random Layout taken as input from the terminal.

My Resume

More about me

Hello! My name is Sanil and I am from New Delhi, India. I now live in St. John's, NL.
Other than studying Computer Science, I am a writer, poet, cook, baker, traveler,
photographer, and a weird coffee person.
I spend most of my days reading, writing, cooking and trying out different ways
of brewing coffee. My current favourite brewing method is Espresso. The following
pictures aim to provide an extremely personal insight into my life.

Get In Touch

  • Address

    Montreal, QC H3S 1R7
  • Phone

    +1 (709)-697-2731
  • Email